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גלריית מחקרים - המרכז לחקר העיר והאזור בטכניון 
הפוסטרים הוצגו באירוע החגיגות 50 שנה למכון. 


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תערוכת חממת אומנים - DATA ART
תערוכת חממת אומנים של מפעל הפיס בשיתוף חדר המצב החברתי בטכניון, פירמידה - מרכז לאמנות עכשווית, ועיריית חיפה
משתפת פעולה עם עדה רימון
ועם מעיין דיסקין
ליווי אוצרותי: רות אופנהיים ורז ויינר



“Constellation of loneliness.” Time Space Existence (extensive architecture biennial exhibition). Venice, Italy.

May 20-November 26, 2023 (coincides with La Biennale Architecture) Aharon-Gutman, M. weiner, r. , Mero, R., Yossef-Ravid, B., Gundar, Y., & Israelov, I. 

In 2017-2021, authorities recorded an outstandingly high rate of bodies found in a state of advanced decay in the Hadar neighbourhood of Haifa. These people were found days, weeks, and sometimes months, after having passed away in their homes, completely alone. By visualizing the data sets that surround this tragedy, we explore what fragments of a fragile, ambivalent, humane, and emotional reality float through the anonymized numbers collected by the welfare services and the municipality on those who lived in social isolation and, and died in complete solitude. The information that gathers through the piling of GIS layers slowly becomes an image of isolated bright spots connected by lines on the dark background where the city map used to be. 

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“Isolated Case”

“Isolated Case,” A-Genre Festival, Tmuna Theatre, Tel Aviv (June 15-18, 2022). Weiner, R., Yossef-Ravid, B., Axel, A., & Aharon-Gutman, M.  

Between 2017-2021, dozens of corpses in a state of advanced decay were found in apartments in the Hadar neighburhood in Haifa. The work traces this troubling figure, through the use of data visualization and spatialisation tools. What fragments of a fragile, ambivalent, human and emotional reality surface through the hard numbers collected by the welfare services, the municipality, the national statistical bureau, and the burial society on those who die in their apartment in complete solitude?

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“Rising Towers – Falling Cities.”

“Rising Towers – Falling Cities.”  Displayed as part of a group exhibition titled Dissensus: Legislation, Planning, and Architecture, Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Levin, D., Sussman, S., & Aharon-Gutman, M.

Rising Towers – Falling Cities confronts the viewer with two opposing forces at work in society and the urban expanse: the fall and deterioration of cities kneeling under the burden of providing services without a solid financial base; and mobilization and growth in individual terms. This tension is illustrated in two visual representations: the widening crater of the “social typography” at the ground level – versus the vertical upward growing towers.


tel- aviv museum of art

“Fine Tuning: A Musical War Movie”

Co-director – “Fine Tuning: A Musical War Movie” (film), 2010, David Noy (Cinemax Productions) and Meirav Aharon. Funded by Israel TV’s Channel 1 . Presented at Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) Film Festival, London (June 2011).

“Fine Tuning” – a Musical War Movie –  follows the extraordinary rise and fall of The Israeli Andalusian Orchestra, which preserves the exceptional musical heritage of Andalusian melody and Jewish prayer.  This unique authentic musical art form originated in Spanish Andalusia, was passed on orally in Moroccan synagogues from generation by generation, until it finally landed in Israel. But the multi-cultural ensemble is surprising: musicians of Moroccan ethnic origin play the authentic instruments by heart, while the more conventional “classical” instruments are played by Russian immigrant musicians from music sheets. The lead violinist is an Israeli Arab.
The Orchestra achieved success and received the prestigious Israel Prize Lifetime achievement award, but then things went sour, and the film took a turn: The inner tension between the Musicians and the Management led to a Strike… The musicians were fired, and both sides declared war – forming new orchestras and battling for budgets and recognition. For 5 years, throughout the turmoil, the film follows the lead characters until the struggle ends.

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